Truck & Tractor Pulls


Friday, June 23, 2023 – 7:00 pm

  • 6500lb limited street gas 4×4 * 6500lb street altered gas 4×4
  • 8000lb work stock diesel 4×4 * 8000lb 2.5/2.6 combo diesel 4×4
  • Tri state super field tractor
  • Must pay fairgrounds gate admission

Tri-State Mini Pullers

  1. Small block economy class
  2. Light zinger or motorcycle class
  3. Light big block class
  4. Light open class (vary large big blocks and small block blowers together)
  5. Heavy zinger
  6. Heavy big block
  7. Heavy open

Here is the clubs website

The tractors will run once per class and twice total at different weight amounts


1490 E. 2nd St., PO Box 47, Ottawa, OH 45875

(419) 523-4628

Office Hours

Wednesday 9:00 - 3:00
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