Truck & Tractor Pulls
Friday, June 23, 2023 – 7:00 pm
- 6500lb limited street gas 4×4 * 6500lb street altered gas 4×4
- 8000lb work stock diesel 4×4 * 8000lb 2.5/2.6 combo diesel 4×4
- Tri state super field tractor
- Must pay fairgrounds gate admission
Tri-State Mini Pullers
- Small block economy class
- Light zinger or motorcycle class
- Light big block class
- Light open class (vary large big blocks and small block blowers together)
- Heavy zinger
- Heavy big block
- Heavy open
Here is the clubs website
The tractors will run once per class and twice total at different weight amounts
Sponsors: H G Violet Equipment, 3M Contractors Inc & Hohembrink Excavating LLC