JR. Fair Rules & Regulations

  1. For each 4-H project entered there must be a completed project book turned in by the exhibitor for evaluation at interview judging. The completed market livestock books are due to the 4-H club advisor one week after receiving livestock sale receipts.
  2. Every exhibitor shall hold primary responsibility for their own projects and individually share the care of group exhibits as directed by the leader.
  3. All exhibits will be graded A, B, C and will be awarded ribbons to indicate the grade at skillathon.
  4. All 4-H Livestock and nonlivestock projects will be interview judged prior to the fair. A judging schedule will be mailed to each 4-H family. All FFA projects will be judged by FFA advisors prior to the fair.
  5. No exhibitor may show animal species or crops from the same department in both 4-H and FFA.
  6. No Junior Fair participant may exhibit in more than one Junior Fair. Youth are expected to affiliate with youth program in the county of residence. However, in instances where youth live out of county, membership considerations will be given by the 4-H agent only when a positive education experience will result. An “Across County Line” form must be on file for 4-H members residing outside Putnam County.
  7. Each fair official will expect courteous and orderly conduct by the Jr. Fair exhibitors and attendants. Harassment, profanity or unsportsmanlike conduct toward fair officials, judges, show managers, help and exhibitors WILL NOT be tolerated. Any violation of this rule would warrant withholding of premium money and exemption of showing and exhibiting at the Putnam County Fair.
  8. All non-livestock entries must be in place by Noon on Sunday.
  9. Exhibits shall be placed and remain placed as directed by the superintendent of the department. Premiums will be forfeited on all exhibits removed without the consent of the superintendent in charge.
  10. All judges decisions are final in all shows and competitions. 11. All Junior Fair exhibitors must follow safety guidelines established by the Putnam County Agricultural Society.
  11. All exhibitors must show their animal(s) in order to sell.
  12. All livestock classes will have 4 placings.
  13. Fans & equipment must be hung or stored in our pen space or designated tack areas.


1490 E. 2nd St., PO Box 47, Ottawa, OH 45875

(419) 523-4628

Office Hours

Wednesday 9:00 - 3:00
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